April 23, 2024

How Can I Use Locations and Light to Create Fun Photographs? | Your Photographer Mom Guest: Kristen Herrington!

How Can I Use Locations and Light to Create Fun Photographs? | Your Photographer Mom Episode 028 with My Girl, Northwest Arkansas Senior Photographer Kristen Herrington

We are in for the most amazing interview today with Arkansas senior photographer, Kristen Herrington!

If you’ve been around here awhile, you’ve definitely seen me gush about Kristen. She is so fun, so full of life, and the most amazing photographer. Kristen’s work is bright, happy, and so full of joy. Kristen is the kind of friend that always shows up with coffee on your front doorstep, is always up for any kind of hangout (or shoot!) and I’m just so excited to share her thoughts about location + light with y’all. I absolutely love Kristen and know you will, too!

Here’s What We’re Talking About with Kristen Today!

Kristen’s Photography Background

How Kristen Uses Locations + How This Evolved Over Time

Letting Go of Control in Your Images

Creating Photographs That Feel Like the Person in Them

Buckle in, y’all! This episode is a little wild + a little scattered because Kristen and I have been friends for, like, ever and, when you’ve been friends for years, it’s always easy to go off topic. Hahaha. Today, we are talking with Northwest Arkansas senior photographer Kristen Herrington. Kristen and I have been friends for nearly a decade (so wild!) and she takes the most fun senior photographs ever. And today? We’re asking Kristen an awesome question:

How Can I Use Locations and Light to Make My Images More Fun?

Also, yes! Yes it totally takes twenty minutes for us to get on topic today, lol.

senior photographer kristen herrington

Get To Know Kristen of Kristen Herrington Photography

Hiiiii, I’m Kristen, a senior photographer of 9+ years! I’m an NWA native and have been photographing seniors since my own senior year of high school over 12 years ago! I adore working with teen girls to create their dream photoshoot.. I mean, nobody is more excited to put together cute outfits and get in front of the camera and sharing in that excitement is so much fun! I specialize in helping my clients feel confident and at ease so that we can capture their individual personalities and create photos that feel uniquely ‘them’.


Also, can I brag on Kristen’s work a little? This girl has always been amazing but I feel so lucky to have watched her work grow so much over her career! Kristen is such a wonderful person inside and out and I love how you can see it in her photographs! Absolutely love her + her awesome creative vision, too!

Think I’m exaggerating? Look at her photos!! She’s the bee’s knees.

location scouting with senior photographer Kristen Herrington location scouting with senior photographer Kristen Herrington using light in photography by Kristen Herringtonusing light in photography by Kristen Herringtonusing light in photography by Kristen Herringtonlocation scouting with senior photographer Kristen Herrington senior photographer kristen herringtonsenior photographer kristen herringtonsenior photographer kristen herringtonlocation scouting with senior photographer Kristen Herrington

Your Photographer Mom: The Friendliest Photography Podcast on The Internet.


Want to be on the podcast? Contact me here!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – and a million times, lol: If you want to be on the podcast, you are the perfect fit! I feel so passionate about featuring photographers in all stages of their creative journey and, if being featured sounds fun to you, I am so game! Cannot wait to know you!

Note: We are currently booking May podcast recordings for June and July air dates.

your photographer mom with guest Kristen Herrington

Galleries + Links +  More

Weddings | Engagements | Seniors | Families | Personal | Photographers

Etsy Shops: Tee Shirts + Sweatshirts + Puzzles + Flower Prints | Mockup Photos

Based in Fayetteville, Arkansas Lissa Chandler is a portrait and wedding photographer who celebrates life one photograph at a time. Lissa is also the owner of Opal and June where she offers mockup photographs, bookish + history merch, and the dreamiest photoshoot dress rentals. Additionally, Lissa is the host of the laid back, conversational podcasts Your Photographer Mom and Our Favorite Villes.

As a creative photographer in Northwest Arkansas, Lissa doesn’t niche down on a genre. She niches on a feeling instead! That feeling? The huge, happy feeling of hope and excitement that you feel as a kid opening up a huge box of 120 crayons. Sound like a feeling you remember? Let’s shoot!